Task 2.7: Enhanced Reconstruction for Higher Level Event Filtering

Task leads: Maximilian Goblirsch-Kolb (CERN), Anna Sfyrla (Geneva)

Scenarios of physics beyond the Standard Model, as those developed in WP1, can produce signals in the experiment which require novel triggering, data acquisition and analysis techniques to be detected. The goal of this task is to exploit the enhanced functionality and performance of the novel tracking approaches, including those developed in T2.4 and T2.5, to extend the physics potential of ATLAS and to develop novel algorithmic approaches to efficiently search for non-standard particle signatures. Further extensions to improve reconstruction algorithms combining tracking and other detector information using innovative algorithmic approaches will be investigated to improve the sensitivity of the Event Filter selection. Dynamic bandwidth allocation and algorithm parameters to account for unforeseen physics signals and changes to detector and accelerator running conditions using advanced machine learning techniques will also be explored. With this task we aim to benefit from the theoretical studies done in T1.6.

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