Task 1.6: New Physics scenarios and Standard Model properties as trigger benchmarks

Task lead: Michelangelo Mangano (CERN)

To evaluate the impact of the next-generation triggers on the enhanced sensitivity to New Physics scenarios and on the determination of fundamental properties of the Standard Model (SM), theorists will develop benchmarks in close collaboration with the experiments. These will include concrete models
that extend the SM as well as anomaly searches that are as model-independent as possible to reduce the theory bias of model building. In addition, theorists will determine to which extent the next-generation triggers improve the precision of the determination of SM parameters.

These concrete physics targets will allow for a robust performance assessment and validation of the next-generation triggers. Furthermore, they will serve as a guidance for the trigger optimization for relevant use cases. As a spin-off of the required simulation activities, algorithmic improvements of event-generation codes, including porting to new HPC architectures, will be explored.

The activity will start during the second year of the project and last for 3 years.

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