WP2: Enhancing the ATLAS Trigger
and Data Acquisition
Work Package Co-Leads
Markus Elsing (ATLAS, CERN)
Stefano Veneziano (ATLAS, Roma II, CERN)
This work package focuses on an enhancement of the already ambitious upgrade of the ATLAS experiment’s trigger and data acquisition system for the High Luminosity Phase of the LHC (HL-LHC) scheduled to start in 2029. Novel approaches to trigger event selection will be developed that will extend the ATLAS physics potential, in particular exploiting state-of-the-art Machine Learning techniques. Efficient use of acceleration technologies will be investigated to extend the capabilities of the trigger and data acquisition system, while improving the system’s energy efficiency. A successful implementation of this work package will result in the collection of richer collision events, extend the experiment’s sensitivity to a broader range of new physics beyond the Standard Model scenarios, and enable ATLAS to exploit state-of-the-art processing architectures in its online event selection to achieve the best possible physics performance at HL-LHC.
WP2 is composed of a range of specific interdisciplinary tasks connecting different activities within the ATLAS experiment and other project tasks.