> Activities > WP4
Task 4.1: Exchange Programmes and Outreach

Task lead: Alex Lasa Lamarca (CERN)
One of the fundamental ingredients of CERN’s recipe for success is the continuous active exchange of experience and knowledge across a broad worldwide community of researchers in many different fields.
The NextGen Triggers project requires the implementation of exchange opportunities in the form of dedicated events, project workshops, visiting scientists grants, and specialistic seminars. Visiting scientists’ support will allow to host and coordinate the wide community of developers engaged in several of the tasks. The project must also be able to package information about its activities and achievements. For this purpose yearly workshops will be organized for the project, as well as dedicated events for a broad set of audiences, both experts and the general public. The activities in this task is coordinated by a dedicated Communication and Outreach manager in collaboration with the experts of the technical Work Packages.
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