The NextGen Trigger project mobilises a considerable amount of human and financial resources across CERN, the ATLAS and CMS experiments, and external research and commercial partners. It is critical to the success of the project to have an efficient project coordination team. The Project Coordinator and the Project Management Committee are responsible for the management of the project governance, the relations between CERN and the Eric and Wendy Schmidt Fund for Strategic Innovation, the external partners, and the internal CERN services. In addition, given the complexity of the programme and the expected impact on CERN experiments and beyond HEP in terms of technology and results, dedicated effort is in place to manage the financial and human resource tasks and the communications activities.

The Project Coordinator and the PMC report to a Steering Board chaired by the CERN Director or Research and Computing and composed of the ATLAS and CMS spoke persons and the heads of the Experimental Physics, Theory, and Information Technology departments.